
Tweak-XP 4.0 is a program to enhance the performance of your XP system.


Tweak-XP 4.0 is a program to enhance the performance of your XP system.
It achieves this by tweaking elements in your registry, fine tuning them to get the better possible performance.

Tweak-XP Pro include more than 56 different utilities.

The program can be installed in 10 different languages. During the installation, it offers to install a Screensaver.

As the program will change things in your registry, it offers to make a System Restore Point, which is definitely recommended.

Under the System Tweaks section you can see details about your Hardware, or change the registration keys from Windows or Office. You can even create a Virtual Disk here.

Windows Tweaks and Windows Utilities are the core of the application. In this sections you can tweak every parameter in the register, or configure every feature of the Operating System to enhance the general performance of the system.

The "Internet Tweaks" section allows you to monitor your Internet Speed and adjust some parameters to enhance its speed.


  • It´s a complete solution for enhancing your XP performance


  • None
This program received 1 award
Totalidea Software
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